Core Fitness Education - Fitness Qualifications & Courses | Courses | Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate

Based on 5 Reviews


Group booking discounts available for bookings of 6 or more.

  • HSE Compliant Course
  • Written and taught by Medical Doctors only
  • Extremely practical
  • Weekend courses to work around your life

This course is a must for everyone whatever industry you work in. Designed and delivered by our experienced first aid tutors who are also medical doctors! This course is compliant with HSE standards and is valid for 3 years.

It is becoming more of a requirement that people have their emergency first aid qualification and it is looked upon favourably by employers when applying for a job. If you are a professional looking after children, or coaching in a sporting or fitness environment, we believe it is your professional responsibility to ensure you know how to deal with adverse situations.

Our Emergency first aid at work course covers everything you need. We make sure, that should you need to use these newly learned skills, that you will be competent. We run small group training only and there are plenty of mannequins to make sure you get lots of hands on practice and feedback. Unlike many courses our tutors are practicing medical professionals and have done CPR and first aid regularly and have professional experience working in busy Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments.

During the course you will cover:

  • CPR
  • Common Medical Conditions
  • Defibriliation
  • And much more!

Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate (EFAW)

Entry Requirements
Students must be over 16 years of age. There are no other entry requirements.

You will be supported throughout the course by your dedicated educational supervisor.

In this short module we discuss how to get the most out of the course and what you need to do!

Here we cover the following areas:

  • Resuscitation Council Guidelines
  • Adult and Child sequence
  • Defibrillation
  • Scene Safety Assessment
  • Universal Precautions
  • Communicable Disease Protection
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Unconscious Obstructed Airway Management
  • Serious Bleeding Management
  • Shock Management
  • Spinal Injury

Here we cover Injuries or illnesses that are not immediately life threatening. Our students focus on secondary assessment and first aid through knowledge development, skill development and relevant and common scenarios practice. Key conditions include:

  • Stroke
  • Heart Attack
  • Asthma
  • Nose Bleed
  • Wounds
  • Epileptic Fit and many more!

As part of this module we cover these topics as well:

  • Injury Assessment
  • Illness Assessment
  • Bandaging
  • Splinting for Dislocations and Fractures
  • Managing the unconscious casualty

Common case studies will be presented and reviewed in a problem based learning manner. Topics will include:

  • Neck injury
  • Bleeding
  • Fracture
  • Dislocation
  • Soft-tissue injury
  • Heart attacks
  • Stroke/ TIA
  • Asthma
  • Hypoglycaemia (diabetes)
  • Fitting (epilepsy)
  • Heat and cool illness

This highly practical aspect of the course is loved by all our students!

Hannah Ingleby

Sunday 01 March 2020

Brilliant first aid course with Dr Dane. The most fun and knowledgeable course I've done. Thanks!


Monday 30 January 2017

Refresher course for me. Always good to keep up to date with First Aid!


Friday 02 December 2016

Thanks for making me feel confident

Maz Andrews

Thursday 24 November 2016

We all loved the great scenarios that got us to practice what we learned.


Wednesday 09 November 2016

Dr Gina and Dr Dane made the course really entertaining

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You will be assessed by:

  • Scenario based Practical Exam.
  • Ongoing practical assessment.

Does your business, leisure club, university, college or workplace need training?

If you have at least 6 students that require training we can come to you or you can come to us! Get in touch to have a discussion and receive a competitive quote.

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